Preparing: Day of Your Shoot

Get a good night's sleep! No puffy eyes or hangovers!

Tricia Campbell By Chris Carroll 8394.jpg

Preparation: The Day of Your Shoot

On the day of your shoot, the following should be followed to best set yourself up for success. You can easily save up to 30 minutes or more by taking the following into consideration and preparing as needed.

  • Travel Considerations:
    • Map out your trip ahead of your shoot day.
    • If you are driving, give time to arrive and look for parking or a parking garage.
    • If you are taking public transportation, plan for delays.
  • Wardrobe Considerations:
    • Coordinate outfits ahead of arrival.
    • Have clothing ironed/steamed as best as possible. They may wrinkle in travel.
    • Consider matching accessories, such as socks, watches, ties, underwear, lingerie, bracelets, etc.
    • Separate outfits so they're paired together as 'complete looks.'
    • Less is not more. Bring additional options, in the event an outfit isn't working on-camera. Something may read great in-person, but can look less ideal digitally.
  • Skin & hair preparation: 
    • Come to studio with clean, moisturized face and no product in hair.
    • Bring specific products you're familiar with if you think it may be necessary.
    • Alert grooming/makeup team if you have allergies ahead of shoot, if they are booked for your day.
  • Other Considerations:
    • Ensure you've had a snack or a meal ahead to ensure you don't fade throughout the shoot duration.
    • Prepare payment ahead of shoot, preferably in an envelope, or as needed.